Saturday, January 17, 2015

English. Use your skills.

This quote is inspired by a passage from Chapter 2 of Laura Ritchie's book, Fostering Self-Efficacy in Higher Education Students (2015).

Ritchie writes:  "The processes of reflecting and reassessing help self-efficacious people to take on more challenging tasks with continued confidence; they focus strategically on how to use their skills to achieve success."

Use your skills.

(The image is from cheezburger.)

English. I communicate non-verbally.

This quote is inspired by a passage from Chapter 3 of Laura Ritchie's book, Fostering Self-Efficacy in Higher Education Students (2015).

Ritchie discusses the importance of the language of gesture in this chapter.

I can send and receive non-verbal messages.

(The image is from cheezburger.)

English. I can be spontaneous speaking face to face.

This quote is inspired by a passage from Chapter 3 of Laura Ritchie's book, Fostering Self-Efficacy in Higher Education Students (2015).

Ritchie writes: "Live communication is experiential, spontaneous, and unfolding. It is different from reading a text, when there is the luxury of scanning ahead or reading back over certain paragraphs."

I can be spontaneous speaking face to face.

(The image is from cheezburger.)

English: I can connect with what I see.

This quote is inspired by a passage from Chapter 4 of Laura Ritchie's book, Fostering Self-Efficacy in Higher Education Students (2015).

Ritchie writes: "If student have robust senses of self-efficacy they will strive to find and make connections with any observed material."

I can connect with what I see.

(image is from cheezburger)

Friday, January 2, 2015

Growth Mindset Cats: Other Languages

Here is a list of the cats in other languages:

Latin Memes. I've also made a Random Latin Growth Mindset Cat widget, and there are Latin memes from Magistra Susan too!
  1. Audendum est: age. Dare to do it!
  2. Audentior ibo. I will go boldly.
  3. Conabor rursus cras. I will try again tomorrow.
  4. Crescit sub pondere virtus. Power grows when you carry a load.
  5. Destitutus ventis, remos adhibe. If the winds fail you, use the oars.
  6. Discat, qui nescit, nam sic sapientia crescit. Let him learn who does not know for thus does knowledge grow.
  7. Errando discitur. We learn by making mistakes.
  8. Initium rerum gestarum desiderium est. Desire is the start of your accomplishments.
  9. Irrideo tempestatem. I scoff at the storm.
  10. Labor omnia superat. Effort overcomes all things.
  11. Persevera per severa. Persevere in severity.
  12. Perseverando. By persevering.
  13. Quaerendo invenietis. Seek, and you will find.
  14. Scribendo disces scribere. By writing you will learn to write.

French Memes:
Quand tu veux construire un bateau...

Polish Memes:
Nie od razu Kraków zbudowano.

Spanish Memes:
Si puedes soñarlo, puedes hacerlo.